How Milk Thistle for Dogs Protects the Liver

milk thistle for dogs Nov 03, 2024
Milk thistle to protect your dog's liver from damage.

Like us, our dogs have to deal with exposure to toxins on a daily basis. There are toxins in the foods we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. We can’t escape them and neither can our pups, unfortunately.

Luckily, we both have an organ that filters out toxins-- the liver! The liver works hard to eliminate all the toxic substances we encounter daily. Since it handles so many nasty substances, its generally more likely than other organs to suffer serious damage.

Common Causes of Liver Damage In Dogs

We can think of many things we see often causing damage. And this list of common causes can help you understand them better.

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Drugs
  • Toxins
  • Free radicals
  • Inflammation

Dog Breeds Prone to Liver Damage

Liver ailments are surprisingly prevalent in dogs. But its more common in some breeds than others. Some dog breeds aren't able to get copper out of their bodies. This includes Labrador Retrievers, Dalmatians, and Great Danes.

Signs of Liver Damage In Dogs

Watch your dog for the following signs of liver damage:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Jaundice
  • Dark urine
  • Pale gums
  • Sudden unexplained weight loss

What Is Milk Thistle?

Milk thistle is a flower in the Aster family. It grows naturally in the Mediterranean regions of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

For more than 2000 years, humans have utilized milk thistle for its healing properties, particularly its roots and seeds. Traditional medicine recognizes milk thistle as one of the rare herbs with therapeutic benefits.

Chemicals in Milk Thistle

There are three important chemicals isolated from the milk thistle …

  • Silychristine
  • Silydianin
  • Silybin

Together, these three substances are known as silymarin.

How Milk Thistle Can Help

We, as humans, usually use milk thistle as a liver tonic. And silymarin may help dogs with the following:

  • Liver or kidney damage
  • Hepatitis
  • Jaundice
  • Lepto
  • Recovery from Parvo

Protect Your Dog’s Liver With Milk Thistle

Research has found milk thistle extract can help prevent and repair liver damage.

Milk Thistle As Antioxidant

Milk thistle acts as a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants safeguard us from substances in our bodies known as free radicals. The presence of environmental toxins can escalate the levels of free radicals in our body.

Free radicals can cause serious damage to our dog's cells. This damage is called oxidative stress. It can lead to early aging and long-term diseases like arthritis and cancer.

Milk thistle provides a shield to the liver from detrimental oxidative stress. A study found that milk thistle can reduce toxicity. It may also improve the effectiveness of a drug for atrial fibrillation in dogs.

Milk Thistle Supports Detox

Many over-the-counter and prescription drugs can harm the liver. This is especially true if taken in large amounts or for a long time.

Studies have shown that milk thistle can help prevent or lessen the impact of liver damage caused by medications. If your dog has been on medication, milk thistle can assist in expelling the harmful chemicals and toxins.

Furthermore, milk thistle can aid the liver in removing heavy metal toxicity. Therefore, milk thistle can be a beneficial supplement following vaccinations that include mercury (thimerosal) or aluminum (commonly, both). 

Milk Thistle For Allergies

The body generates histamine to fight allergens. The liver is instrumental in this process as it eliminates histamine from the body. However, if your dog's liver becomes compromised, it cannot detoxify effectively.

When the liver is overloaded with toxins, histamines can build up in the body. This can lead to more allergic reactions.

The liver is responsible for detoxifying, and when it's unable to perform its function, it stores the toxins. In doing so, it also creates extra histamines for self-protection.

When the body detects an allergen, the brain signals it to release soldiers.

It releases too much, causing an allergic reaction like hives, asthma, and sneezing. Cleanse the liver, and you might be free from allergies and asthma.

Other Uses For Milk Thistle

A few more things milk thistle can help with include:

Kidney Disease

Silymarin has been shown to reduce drug-induced kidney toxicity that leads to kidney failure in dogs.


Pancreatitis is common in dogs. Milk thistle can help ease the symptoms of pancreatitis.


Researchers have shown that milk thistle relieves giardia infections in dogs.


Administering milk thistle to dogs at least weekly can reduce the insulin requirement for those afflicted with diabetes.

Monitor your dog's blood sugar levels closely. Talk to your veterinarian before lowering your dog's insulin dosage. 

How To Use Milk Thistle

Milk thistle isn’t a preventative or “just in case” herb. It's best used to cleanse the liver after exposure to toxins or as a remedy for liver damage.

Milk thistle promotes the development of new liver cells to substitute those that are deceased or deteriorating. It also aids in safeguarding against toxins that could inflict additional harm.

Don't Use as a Daily Supplement

Milk thistle yields optimal results when utilized as required. Despite the extensive publicity surrounding this herb, people should not incorporate milk thistle as a daily dietary supplement.

Doctors ideally use this medication in circumstances where the liver already experiences unusual stress.

This implies that you should ideally administer milk thistle for a duration of 3-6 weeks, followed by a break of 1-3 weeks.

Warning: Milk thistle should not be given to pregnant and nursing dogs.

You can find milk thistle in most health food stores, available in capsule, tincture, or powder forms.

Milk Thistle Dosage For Dogs

The usual recommended extract of milk thistle contains 70 to 80 percent silymarin. Each extract should have a label with the silymarin percentage.

For tincture, start the dose at around 1/4 tsp per 20 lbs of body weight daily. Ideally, you should divide this amount into four equal doses.

If you choose to use powder, provide your dog with 2-5 mg per pound of body weight, three times per day.

Check with the Vet

Before giving your dog milk thistle or any herbal supplement, talk to your vet first. This is important, especially if your dog has a health issue. Your vet can help you decide if it’s right for your pup.


Milk Thistle for Dogs

Tedesco DEA, Guerrini A. Use of Milk Thistle in Farm and Companion Animals: A Review. Planta Med. 2023 May;89(6):584-607. doi: 10.1055/a-1969-2440. Epub 2022 Oct 27. PMID: 36302565.

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