The Medical Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Dogs

red light therapy Oct 13, 2024
Red light therapy for Dogs with chronic pain

As pet parents, we are always on the lookout for safe, non-invasive ways to improve our dog’s health and well-being—whether it’s managing chronic pain, speeding up recovery, or enhancing overall vitality.

One increasingly popular option is red light therapy, a treatment that uses low-level wavelengths of red or near-infrared light to stimulate healing at the cellular level. This therapy has been embraced by veterinarians for its ability to reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair, and provide pain relief for dogs suffering from various health conditions.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy works by using specific low-level wavelengths of red or near-infrared light to penetrate the skin and reach deeper tissues. At a cellular level, the light stimulates the mitochondria, which are the energy-producing structures of the cell.

By boosting mitochondrial function, red light therapy helps increase the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)—the energy currency of cells.

This improved energy production helps cells repair and grow. It also reduces inflammation and speeds up healing in tissues affected by injury, chronic conditions, or aging.

Types of Light Used

There are different types of light used in this type of therapy, including:

Red Light (Visible Light, 600–700 nm): Red light penetrates the skin and works on surface-level tissues, making it ideal for helping dogs recover from injuries, soothing skin conditions, and promoting collagen production. It is especially useful for addressing superficial issues like dermatitis or minor wounds.

Infrared Light (Near-Infrared, 700–1000 nm): Near-infrared light penetrates deeper into muscles, joints, and bones. It is effective for treating conditions like arthritis, muscle pain, and joint inflammation. Its deeper penetration makes it an excellent option for targeting deeper tissues that require more robust repair and pain relief.

The Benefits of Red Light Therapy

There are multiple research-backed benefits of Red Light Therapy including:

Reduced Inflammation

Red light therapy works well to reduce inflammation and help dogs heal naturally. This is especially helpful for dogs with cancer.

Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation often lead to inflammation and discomfort, and red light therapy can help by stimulating the production of cytokines and anti-inflammatory proteins.

This helps reduce swelling and inflammation, offering pain relief for dogs with conditions like arthritis, joint pain, and even pain associated with cancer.

As a non-invasive option, it allows for pain management without the need for heavy medications, making it particularly helpful for long-term care.

Accelerated Wound Healing

Red light therapy stimulates cellular repair by enhancing ATP production at the cellular level, which boosts tissue regeneration and collagen production.

This process improves blood circulation to the affected area, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the site, and speeding up the healing process for wounds, burns, and post-surgical recovery.

For dogs that have undergone surgeries or have open wounds, red light therapy significantly reduces healing time and lowers the risk of infection by promoting tissue repair.

Improved Mobility for Joint Conditions

Dogs suffering from joint conditions like arthritis and hip dysplasia often experience stiffness and reduced mobility due to inflammation in the joints. Red light therapy targets these deeper tissues, helping to reduce inflammation and stiffness, which results in improved joint mobility and comfort.

By enhancing blood flow and reducing pain, dogs with arthritis can experience better range of motion and an increased ability to perform daily activities, making it a valuable tool for managing age-related mobility issues.

Skin and Coat Health

Red light therapy can also benefit a dog's skin and coat. By promoting circulation and cellular repair, it helps to treat skin conditions such as hot spots, dermatitis, and allergic reactions. The therapy encourages faster healing of skin lesions by stimulating collagen production and reducing inflammation.

Plus, improved circulation helps promote a healthier coat by nourishing the skin cells, leading to stronger, shinier fur over time.

Post-Surgical Recovery

Red light therapy is frequently used to aid in post-surgical recovery by reducing swelling, inflammation, and discomfort after operations or injuries. By accelerating the healing process and minimizing pain, dogs recovering from surgery can experience quicker recovery times and improved overall well-being.

This therapy is particularly helpful in managing pain without heavy reliance on medications, allowing dogs to recover more comfortably with fewer side effects.

Scientific Support

Scientific studies have provided increasing support for the efficacy of red light therapy in treating various medical conditions in dogs. Research has shown that red light therapy can significantly enhance cellular repair, reduce inflammation, and improve pain management.

One study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association demonstrated that red light therapy improved mobility and reduced pain in dogs suffering from osteoarthritis.

In another study, red light therapy was shown to accelerate wound healing and reduce recovery time after surgeries, burns, and skin injuries.

A 2018 study on the effects of photobiomodulation (red light therapy) in animals found that the therapy can promote muscle regeneration, help manage chronic pain, and support tissue recovery after injuries or surgeries, further confirming the broad therapeutic benefits of this treatment in veterinary care.

How Veterinarians Use Red Light Therapy

Veterinarians are increasingly incorporating red light therapy into their holistic or integrative treatment plans for dogs. It is being used as part of pain management strategies for chronic conditions like arthritis and hip dysplasia, as well as in rehabilitation programs for dogs recovering from surgery or injury.

Some veterinarians also recommend red light therapy as an adjunct treatment for cancer patients to help manage pain and inflammation related to both the cancer itself and the side effects of treatments like chemotherapy or radiation.

In many clinics, red light therapy is combined with other treatments such as massage, acupuncture, and physical therapy to provide a comprehensive approach to improving the dog’s quality of life.

Its non-invasive and drug-free nature makes it an attractive option for pet parents looking for alternatives to conventional medications that may have unwanted side effects.

Common Conditions Treated with Red Light Therapy in Veterinary Medicine

The most common conditions treated with Red Light Therapy in vet's offices include:

  • Arthritis and Joint Pain: Red light therapy is commonly used to alleviate pain and inflammation in dogs with arthritis or degenerative joint conditions.
  • Hip Dysplasia: By reducing stiffness and promoting mobility, red light therapy helps dogs with hip dysplasia move more comfortably.
  • Wound Healing and Skin Conditions: Many veterinary clinics use this therapy to speed up the healing process for cuts, burns, surgical incisions, and conditions like dermatitis or hot spots.
  • Post-Surgical Recovery: After surgeries, red light therapy is applied to reduce swelling, promote tissue repair, and enhance the healing process.
  • Muscle Injuries: Dogs recovering from muscle strains or tears benefit from faster healing and reduced discomfort.
  • Cancer Support: Red light therapy is also used as part of a palliative care approach to improve the quality of life for dogs with cancer, helping manage pain and inflammation.

How Pet Owners Can Get RLT for Their Dogs

If you're interested in this type of therapy for your dog, consider these options:

Veterinary Clinics

Many veterinary clinics now offer red light therapy as part of their services, particularly in rehabilitation and pain management programs. Veterinary professionals use red light therapy to complement treatments like physical therapy, acupuncture, and massage therapy.

If your dog has arthritis, hip dysplasia, or is recovering from surgery, ask your vet about red light therapy. It is often used with other therapies to help healing, reduce pain, and improve mobility. Many clinics now have laser therapy units or LED devices. These are designed to deliver red and infrared light to specific areas of your dog's body.

At-Home Devices

For pet parents looking for more flexibility, at-home red light therapy devices designed specifically for pets are now widely available. These portable devices let you give treatments at home. This makes it easier for long-term therapy or regular sessions. Devices are typically handheld, with adjustable intensity settings to suit your dog’s needs. However, it's important to use these devices safely and effectively, following guidelines for time limits and frequency of use.

Before purchasing an at-home device, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian. They can recommend the most appropriate device for your dog’s condition and offer guidance on how to use it properly to ensure maximum effectiveness without causing harm. Always choose a device that is veterinary-approved and made for animal use.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Many pet parents have turned to red light therapy as a complementary treatment for their dogs with cancer, and the results have been heartwarming. For example, Max is a 10-year-old Golden Retriever. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. After starting red light therapy, he felt less pain. His mobility also improved with this treatment.

While undergoing traditional chemotherapy, Max’s owners noticed that regular red light therapy sessions helped reduce his discomfort and allowed him to walk more easily during his final months.

Another dog, Luna, a 7-year-old Labrador with mast cell tumors, responded well to red light therapy used alongside her standard cancer treatment. Luna's vet integrated light therapy to alleviate swelling and discomfort around her surgical sites, helping her heal faster and reducing the need for pain medications.

These examples show how red light therapy can help dogs with cancer. This is true even when the disease is advanced.

Pet Parent Feedback

Pet parents who have used red light therapy as part of their dog's cancer treatment often express relief at seeing their dogs experience less pain, greater comfort, and a better quality of life. One pet parent shared,

“Our dog Bailey has been battling lymphoma, and while the cancer treatment is hard on her, the red light therapy sessions have made such a difference. She seems more energetic, and we’ve noticed less limping after her chemotherapy appointments.”

Another owner of an older dog with hip dysplasia and cancer mentioned,

“We started using red light therapy as a last resort, and I can’t believe the change. Jake is more active, seems less anxious, and is no longer crying out in pain as much. It’s been a game changer.”

Potential Risks or Side Effects

One of the biggest advantages of red light therapy is that it has minimal side effects, especially when done under the supervision of a veterinarian. The treatment is non-invasive, painless, and does not require anesthesia or recovery time, making it a safe option for most dogs.

Some dogs may experience mild warmth at the treatment site, but this is generally soothing rather than uncomfortable.

Red light therapy helps the body heal itself. This means the risk of side effects is low. It is often safer than more intense treatments like surgery or medication.

When Not to Use Red Light Therapy

Despite its safety, there are some situations where red light therapy may not be appropriate. For example:

  • Specific cancers: While red light therapy can be beneficial for managing cancer-related pain and inflammation, it should be used with caution around certain types of cancerous tumors. In particular, caution is advised when using red light therapy on malignant tumors, as stimulating blood flow in these areas could potentially aid tumor growth. Always consult a veterinarian before using red light therapy in dogs with cancer.
  • Open wounds: While red light therapy can aid in wound healing, it should not be used on open, bleeding wounds or in areas with active infection without veterinary approval.
  • Pregnant dogs: It's important to avoid using red light therapy on the abdominal area of pregnant dogs unless approved by a veterinarian, as there is limited research on its effects during pregnancy.

In general, red light therapy is a safe and effective treatment option, but it is always essential to get a professional opinion to ensure it is the right choice for your dog’s condition.

Consulting a Veterinarian

It is crucial to consult with your veterinarian before starting red light therapy, whether at a clinic or at home. While this therapy is generally safe, a vet will be able to assess whether it is suitable for your dog’s specific health conditions and recommend the right approach.

They will also help determine the most effective treatment plan, including how often and for how long sessions should be administered, based on your dog’s unique medical history and treatment goals.

If your dog has conditions like cancer, it’s important to work with a vet. This helps reduce the risk of complications along your dog's cancer journey.


Burch S, London C, Seguin B, Rodriguez C, Wilson BC, Bisland SK. Treatment of canine osseous tumors with photodynamic therapy: a pilot studyClin Orthop Relat Res. 2009;467(4):1028-1034. doi:10.1007/s11999-008-0678-5

Looney AL, Huntingford JL, Blaeser LL, Mann S. A randomized blind placebo-controlled trial investigating the effects of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) on canine elbow osteoarthritisCan Vet J. 2018;59(9):959-966.

Millis DL, Bergh A. A Systematic Literature Review of Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Laser TherapyAnimals (Basel). 2023;13(4):667. Published 2023 Feb 14. doi:10.3390/ani13040667.

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